Sunday, June 16, 2019

REVIEW: ScribeDelivery Subscription Box

If you have been on the internet for more than a hot minute, you are probably aware that there are subscription boxes for pretty much every interest under the sun. What these are, if you don't know, are curated collections sent to you each month for a subscription fee. Some of the curators share with you what you will be receiving each month, and some leave it as a surprise. There are pros and cons to each approach. One of the pros to the curator sharing is to allow subscribers to suspend their subscription that month if the items in the box are not going to be useful to them and their needs. One of the pros to the surprise approach is that you get a, well, a surprise each month. For myself, I kinda like the idea of the surprise, with maybe some teasers. It's like Christmas!

The only box I subscribe to at present is ScribeDelivery ( For $29/month, you get a collection of pens, notebooks, writing pads, pencils, sticky notes, et cetera, to help you be creative.

From their website: Each month we'll send you a curated, themed box that includes pens, notebooks, and items designed to inspire you to write. We'll have things for you to create, share, and ways to be involved in future boxes.

I have been a subscriber for about 8 months or so, and I have been thrilled with the products I have received. Some of the folks on the Facebook group talk about the fact that the shipment this month or that month is "boring", but everything I have received has been high-quality and has usually been a product that I'd been thinking of trying, but hadn't yet. I've also been exposed to some products that weren't even on my radar! I have discovered some of my new favorite pens and notebooks through being a ScribeDelivery subscriber. My only problem is that I don't want to write in the notebooks sometimes; they're too pretty!

You can suspend your subscription if you need to, and then pick it back up. The folks behind the scenes are always open to questions if you have them.

You might not be as impressed each month as you are other months, but you will still get quality products that are valued much higher than the price you paid for the subscription that month.

If you love pens and notebooks as much as I do, think about subscribing to ScribeDelivery. 

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